Currency of Mongolia

The Mongolian currency is called tögrög (MNT or tugriks) and it is not a convertible hard currency (about 1200 tögrögs to the US dollar). The US dollar is the only recommended currency at present. The US dollar is in fact an accepted form of payment and a reasonable amount of small US notes should be carried. It is now possible to also change Euro and most other convertible currencies at Ulaanbaatar cambios. It is possible to change traveler's cheques in the capital. Banks cash travelers cheques, and they do so against a fee of 2 percent if you need cash US dollars, and without a commission if cashing tögrögs. Shopping opportunities are scarce, but increasingly, handicrafts come out in the market in the capital. You will not spend much, whilst on a holiday in Mongolia. Decent shops are non-existent in the interior areas. Shops in Ulaanbaatar, where you are likely to buy any souvenirs, accept American Express and VISA credit cards. To obtain cash advance on your Visa card is swift and efficient at the Trade & Development Bank in Ulaanbaatar. Cash can be exchanged at all hotels, whilst traveler's cheques must be cashed at the banks. Golomt Bank also offer a 24h service at Seoul Street.